
須川 崇志 (Bass, Cello)


現在は自己のトリオBanksia Trio(林正樹, 石若駿)をはじめ、峰厚介カルテット、本田珠也トリオ、八木美知依トリオ、藤井郷子TOKYO Trioなど多くのグループに参加し、東京JAZZやモントルー・ジャズ・フェスティバルなど、国内外のジャズフェスティバルに出演も多数。

近年は、俳優・金子あいの舞台「平家物語」の音楽をソロ演奏で担当。Audi A5新車発表会 (2017), 岡本太郎記念館での写真展「日本の原影」 (2019-20), パブリックアート作品のための音楽制作も手掛ける。2018年にデビューアルバム「Outgrowing」(Leo Genovese, Tom Rainey)を発表、Banksia Trioでは3枚のアルバムをリリースしている。最新作は2023年発表の同トリオの作品「MASKS」。

Takashi Sugawa (Bass, Cello) 

Born in Gunma, Japan, Takashi began playing the cello at age 11 and the contrabass at 18. After graduating from Berklee College of Music, he moved to New York and studied under the renowned pianist Masabumi Kikuchi, who became his musical mentor. Upon returning to Japan, Takashi joined the Terumasa Hino Quintet and the Sadao Watanabe Quartet.

He currently leads the Banksia Trio with Masaki Hayashi and Shun Ishiwaka, and performs with the Kosuke Mine Quartet, Tamaya Honda Trio, Michiyo Yagi Trio, Satoko Fujii Tokyo Trio, among many others. Takashi has performed at numerous international jazz festivals such as TOKYO JAZZ, Montreux Jazz Festival, etc.

In recent years, he has collaborated with actor Ai Kaneko, performing improvised solo contrabass for her theater production "The Tale of the Heike." In 2018, he released his debut album "Outgrowing" with Leo Genovese and Tom Rainey. His trio, Banksia, has released three albums, the latest being "MASKS" in 2023.